Be Bold. Ambitious Goals Need Ambitious Projects
Companies have tried to upgrade their traditional corporate social responsibility programs to shared-value and sustainability strategies that are designed to deliver both economic and social returns. But all too often those programs have a limited impact and very rarely produce transformational change. Instead, they remain ‘bolt-on’ initiatives, distant from core strategy. How can we overcome this? Corporations need to prioritise commercial projects that generate economic value for themselves and socioeconomic benefits for all actors in a new ecosystem. Instead of trying to incrementally upgrade a limited program through un-scalable and short-term projects, we need to unleash market-based forces that are self-sustaining and organically grow.
A panel of senior business leaders will discuss their successes, failures, challenges and long-term visions. They will consider how they can integrate ‘profit for purpose’ into their core business strategies and reimagine the regional ecosystems in which they participate.